Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trun of the screw...

I have been running around all week the angry Ike was not good for us like a lot of people I got water in the basement which was just redone and is where I live!

Anyways I hope to be back to my at least twice a week posting starting Monday and I’ve got stuff off the needles and stuff I’ve started, froged and other crafty ideas that have to documented.

But what I really need do is answer the question of the week: What ‘cold weather’ project are you looking forward to making the most the autumn?
That would be the Lady February Sweater, getting my blog up and running with three posts a week, organizing my craft area so I can see everything and completing the Artist way. Oh and I want to build raised beds and a compost bin in the back yard for next spring.

On another note I just finished listening to Turn of the Screw and all I can so is what the …. If you haven’t listened to the Craftlit pod cast you should. You can knit and listen to a great book at the same time I’m only on episode 39 and there are more than 100 and I love them!

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